Friday, May 31, 2019

Moving through Works by Artists :: Maya Angelou Literature Education Essays

Moving through Works by Artists A high school student walks into class on a Monday morning and his or her instructor informs the class that for the next couple of weeks, they will be studying poetry with works by Emily Dickinson, Percy Bysshe Shelly, William Shakespe be, and the like. Automatically, the students in the incline schoolroom are intimidated the teacher walks through the rows of chairs, dispensing dense packets of poetic literature containing intimidating stanzas and heroic couplets. One student peers at the first page and raises her authorise in puzzling frustration, This isnt even in English. Oh, I peg your pardon, but it is, Miss Smith. What you are looking at is Middle English, and this writing preceded those who are the great poets of today. The students look at each other with boredom and disgust, and blankets of indifference soon roll over their countenances. Though there was the opportunity to share a great style of English literature wi th the students, the teacher has lost them before the latently intriguing lesson even started. The above illustration is arguably an experience that more high school students have when encountering poetry my experience was much similar to this one and because of it, I learned to fear and loathe poetry altogether. Many English teachers approach poetry in an old-fashioned manner that sends their students running into the halls screaming with their hands covering their ears. The manner in which poetry is taught and the content that is covered has the potential to enlighten learners or turn them off from the type of literary work completely.Who is to say that Dickinson and Shakespeare and the rest of those who are considered to be the greats by most faculties are the just now ones who have written good poetry? Does a poet have to be buried six feet under in order for their works to be celebrated? This curriculum stands to teach students about poetry, poets and their respe ctive works, by authors whose writings are relevant to the experiences shared by students of this age group. Sentiments of uncertainty, love, and new beginnings are expressed by numerous artists of the contemporary and modern American genres that are just as powerful as works by those who fall into the classical timeline this is by no means to say that artists like Longfellow do not have the ability to reach the young generations of today.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Front Disk Brakes :: Automobiles Mechanics Essays

Front Disk Brakes For most concourse, driving a vehicle is a normal and any day process. On any given day, driving in city or town traffic one raise experience a yield of noises, by either their own, or somebody elses vehicle. The most cat valium sound made by the halts of a vehicle is a sluttish squeak, very high pitched and annoying. It may be time for new stops, but wait there could be a simpler fix. This paper is designed to give instruction the layman about brakes and give him or her some insight on how to fix them. I lead concentrate on two common problems. Noise is probably what most people think of as the best indicator for repair, vibration is very a common problem, but noise will be discussed first. This paper will concentrate on the disk brake, but stupefy brakes are still very common in right aways cars and trucks. The fundamental difference between the two is how, and from what direction the force of the braking material contacts the braking surface. The disk brake uses a caliper that pinches the disk, which rides between the two brake pads on both sides. This lateral force squeezes the disk, and therefore stops it.The drum brake is shaped like a flat or square bell. It has brake shoes inside the drum and, when activated the shoes make contact with the inside of the drums surface. The misnomer about drum brakes are that people think the disk brake is better because they have more stopping power, but in terms of horsepower, the drum brake is more efficient. This comes with a drawback though, drum brakes get hotter faster than disk brakes, this cusses brake fade. In other words, disk brakes dispense heat better. The use of lighter weight materials, littler cars, anti-locking systems, and power-assisted brakes has left the drum brake a part of the past.Keep this in mind first, especially if your vehicle has less than sixty or seventy thousand miles on it. The disk brake pad is usually the first component to wear first. Most domestic pads have little pieces of echo steel attached to them in order to warn the driver the pad has approximately 15% of the brake pad left. Under normal conditions the pad can be replaced and the surface of the rotor machined to ensure the coefficient of friction and lateral run-out are within specifications.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Technology and Individualization in Education Essay -- Technological I

Technology and Individualization in Education Technology is a major influential portion in the progression of education. Technology has f tout ensemble by the waysideed for umteen positive advances in education, allowing for more efficient, more individualized learning. The introduction of computers in education has provided countless benefits to students, and enhanced learning greatly. Students now have a practically broader wealth of information in which they can get knowledge from, and more specialized learning. Education will continue to be benefited by technology as progression continues. Individualization in education should be an ultimate goal, and this can only be achieved through technology.Technology should continue to be an influential factor in education. Computers have been the most influential form of technology to affect education. Many experts are critical of computers in the classroom. Dennis Gooler suggests that computers institute a gender gap, and that heavy questions need to be addressed before computers are allowed in classrooms. He says that boys are much more inclined to use computers, and that girls will be go forth behind in the technology craze. I think that the way to solve this problem is to have computers in schools and promote their use by both genders. Computers allow for students to learn individually, and to gain access to a plethora of knowledge that has recently become accessible. There are many ways that computers have benefited learning. Studies have proved that computers in the classroom cause students to get better grades, because their learning is based on personal learning styles. Before computers were invented, all papers had to be typed protrude in typewriters. Computers have made typing papers much easie... ...ucation. Our society is in a constant state of progression through technology, and it is only aright that education is included. Education is positively solvented by technology in man y ways, and will continue to be benefited, until individualized education is achieved. Advancement occurs all throughout the Bible, and the importance of education is stressed. I believe that God is pleased when the two come together for an advantageous outcome.Works Cited1) Gooler, Dennis D. Computers in the Classroom What is the effect on the Gender Gap? Stanford March 1998 1-10. 9 November 2001.

Dubaya :: Essays Papers

DubayaHe brought his fathers sterling name, degrees from Yale and Harvard, some $13,000 left in his trust fund, and his strongest personal asset an exuberant charm banish with wisecracks. Bush never found much anoint in Texas, but he slowly found his way. He married and fathered twin girls, quit drinking, began poring over Scripture, and made his an unsuccessful foray into the family business by running for Congress. He learned to court friends and political supporters of his father, the vice president. And he hooked up with the oil investors who would eventually help him become managing partner of the Texas Rangers baseball team. Bush used the Rangers post to cultivate celebrity status and prepare for a gutsy, winning scrap to Democratic Gov. Ann Richards in 1994. The Rangers deal also made him a multimillionaire. George Walker Bush was born July 6, 1946 in New Haven, Conn., where his father, already a flying mill of World War II, was charging through Yale. When he was 2, his parents moved West to chase the oil boom. But young George also endured great sorrow at develop 7, when his little sister Robin died of leukemia. The next child, instantly Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, was seven years younger. Three others followed Neil, stung by the S&L scandal of the 1980s and now a business consultant Marvin, a venture capitalist and Doro, wife of a Washington lobbyist and mother of four. None seems to have felt the weight of their fathers successes as much as the eldest, often called Junior although hes one name short of George Herbert Walker Bush. He followed his fathers path to prep school in Andover, Mass., and then Yale, but failed to rifle up to his legacy in academics or sports. Instead, hes remembered at Andover for organizing stickball tournaments and lavish pep rallies that brightened an otherwise rigid campus. At Yale, like his father, he was tapped for the secret Skull and drum society and became president of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Fraternity brothers rem ember him as the life of the party among a group preoccupied by beer, sports, soul music and, of course, girls. Friends say Bush avoided the emergent Vietnam War protests at Yale and didnt brook criticism of his father, then a Texas congressman supporting the war. Shortly before graduation in 1968, Bush signed up for pilot training in the Texas Air National Guard, where it was unlikely he would be sent to Vietnam.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Fight Club :: essays research papers

The movie Fight Club made a great achievement in the dissipate industry, and significantly depicted the social system of the late 20th century. According to most of the reviewers, the success of the film lies behind the fact that almost every American gentleman over 25-years of age is going to inevitably see some of himself in the movie the frustration, the confusion, the anger at living in a enculturation where the old rules have broken down and one bushels his way with so many fewer cultural cues and guideposts. At heart Fight Club is truly a dark parody ab break consumerist discontent. First of all Fight Club was one of the most direct depictions of modern society. We can visualize the pee criticisms of the movie from the words of Jamey Hughton, Fight Club is the kind of breathless experience that chews you up, spits you out, and leaves your senses jaded and disorientated with exhilaration. Secondly, Fight Club was a real evolution of the modern ideals, the outcome of mod ern atomized individuals and consequently urban alienation. Finally, the movie points out male-female roles and the place of violence in the male identity. Critic, Gary Crowdus, says it best by writing, Fight Club members have capture so physically impassive, so emotionally anesthetized, and so spiritually numb, that it takes a broken nose, a split lip, or a few cracked ribs to reawaken their deadened nervous systems and to provide them with a meaningful sense of male identity (46). The biggest aspect of the movie was on modern society, which has recently turned out to be consumerism. During the movie this new trend is symbolized by the replica of Tyler Durden, You are not your job. This dialogue was completely dedicated to the shaping power of the consumer culture. The movie is round what happens when a world defines you by nothing but ones job, when advertising turns you into a slave bowing at a mountain of things that make you uneasy near your lack of physical perfection deter mined by consumerism, as displayed in the scene where Tyler asks, after seeing a Calvin Kline advertisement, is this what a man is supposed to look like? with simultaneous irony and sincerity, of the self-perceived emasculation of working-class white men, and how much money you do not have and how famous you arent. It is about what happens when we are hit by the fact that our lives lack uniqueness a uniqueness that we are constantly told we gained through the enculturation process.

Fight Club :: essays research papers

The motion-picture show Fight Club made a great achievement in the film industry, and significantly depicted the social system of the late 20th century. According to most of the reviewers, the success of the film lies behind the fact that almost every American gentlemans gentleman over 25-years of age is going to inevitably see some of himself in the movie the frustration, the confusion, the anger at living in a culture where the gray-haired rules have broken down and one makes his way with so many fewer cultural cues and guideposts. At heart Fight Club is really a dark parody about consumerist discontent. First of all Fight Club was one of the most direct depictions of new(a) society. We can visualize the clear criticisms of the movie from the words of Jamey Hughton, Fight Club is the kind of breathless experience that chews you up, spits you out, and leaves your senses jaded and disorientated with exhilaration. Secondly, Fight Club was a real evolution of the modern ideals, the emergence of modern atomized individuals and consequently urban alienation. Finally, the movie points out male-female roles and the place of violence in the male identity. Critic, Gary Crowdus, says it best by writing, Fight Club members have become so physically impassive, so emotionally anesthetized, and so spiritually numb, that it takes a broken nose, a split lip, or a few cracked ribs to reawaken their deadened nervous systems and to provide them with a meaningful sense of male identity (46). The biggest aspect of the movie was on modern society, which has recently turned out to be consumerism. During the movie this new trend is symbolized by the replica of Tyler Durden, You argon not your job. This dialogue was completely dedicated to the shaping power of the consumer culture. The movie is about what happens when a world defines you by nothing but ones job, when advertising turns you into a slave bowing at a mountain of things that make you unsatisfied about your lack of physical perfection determined by consumerism, as displayed in the scene where Tyler asks, after seeing a Calvin Kline advertisement, is this what a man is supposed(a) to look like? with simultaneous irony and sincerity, of the self-perceived emasculation of working-class white men, and how much money you do not have and how famous you arent. It is about what happens when we are hit by the fact that our lives lack uniqueness a uniqueness that we are constantly told we gained through the enculturation process.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Suicide Is Never Painless

Death became an easy option. She wanted to cry, but she had no time. She wanted to change her life, but she didnt believe in miracles. For all the torment and anguish she had carried with her, it suddenly became too much to bear. Life had dealt her the last card but she had no spirit left to play with.The darkness bit into her, memories the standardiseds of poison flowed through her. She fought against them, but as sleep won out she was dragged back to the past. Death became no longer merely an option but a necessity to find peace.The pills lay next to her. They looked beautiful. She knew they could end it for her but she was so afraid. What would be waiting for her on the other incline? Was there another side? All she knew was one time she had gone that far, there would be no return.She sat there sobbing quietly, her mind tormenting her. She struggled to make sense of herself. The pain that was once delirious was now beautifully physical and nothing could heal it. The raw, ope n wounds would remain as fresh as the day they were created. Everything she had fought so hard to forget bust into her like daggers, dancing across her skin, drawing blood in a tide of crimson that stained any happiness she once had. It was tearing her apart.She cradled the pills in her hands, like precious diamonds. With a breath of courage, she threw the pills down her neck. They fell down her throat with ease, headed towards the emptiness of her own hell.She slowly sank down onto the floor, her head rolling athwart uncontrollably. Her mind started to fog over, numbing all her senses. The babys cries began to recede as she lay almost motionless on the cold floor. She cried out in pain, the distant blend of her own voice pierced her fragile mind. Her life force once a blaze of colours is now black reflecting her feelings of confusion. She is lost yet thirst to be found. She is drowning in the darkness, helpless as it slowly devours her, playing with her mind until there is noth ing left but a shadow of someone who was once wholeShe wasnt alive anymore, she simply existed. She still looked the same, but she wasnt and never would be. A man who had taken everything from her, her innocence, her virginity and now her life, she never even saw his face. She was left to need up a child sired by a monster. A child conceived out of hate.Was it not enough that she had to be reminded of it everyday? Every time she woke up in the morning, every time she closed her eyeballWhat was the need of his sinister actions? Was it that he didnt understand the word no? Didnt he realise the screams were out of pure terror that kicking profusely were signals to stop that the look on her face was of complete despair and frustration that the touch of his hand made her blood kick the bucket cold that he was stealing her dignity, her pride, her self respect?She made that same journey home every evening like clockwork shed been there a meter times. She turned away from the buildings, away from the street light and her hollow footsteps were the only sounds that followed herHer heart started to pound faster as she tried to gain vision in the pitch black that she had descended into. Her body felt like it was being mauled and still the real horrors had not begun. Dependant on her hearing as her main running(a) sense, she could hear his approach. His curses screamed of anger at her venerable position, his threats called out like promises, nurturing the fear that grew in her stomach.Gagged and bound, her legs flew from under her as she was thrown to the ground. Mud and dirt covered her like a second skin and fell for what seemed to be an eternity, while above she could still hear him.The sound of him as he forced torture after torture on her, the sound of him as he violated her body time and again, while she lay there helplessly, the tears biting at her eyes like acid.The thing that hurt the most was the realisation of what had just happened to her. As she scrambled blindly in the darkness, a maze of dangers that had waited to harm her. The unknown monsters that hid in the depths of the shadows warped her mind.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Mountains Beyond Mountains

In the book, Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder, Paul sodbuster made and stays to make a big(a) difference in the world. He was extremely successful because of the booster he received from people who surrounded him. Partners In Health (PIH), Farmers organization, gives healthcare to people who quarternot afford it and treatment to those with terbium and AIDS. Although he was a founding advocate to the success of Partners In Health, Farmer would not hire accomplished every last(predicate) that he did without the aid from others. Usually, it takes a group of people with the same goals in order to make a change in the world.Not everyone in the world can drop his/her entire life and put as much effort into saving the world as Paul Farmer did. However, he had many use people who helped him. Without Ophelia Dahl, Tom White, and Jim Yong Kim, Paul Farmer would not have been nearly as successful as he is today. Ophelia Dahl sacrificed a great know to make Partners In Health the success it is. Ophelia met farmer when she was just eighteen years old working as a volunteer for Eye mission Haiti. Ophelia and Farmer fell in love while both in Haiti.They both decided their relationship was not going to work due to the enumerate of time Farmer spent helping others. She realized that her needs as his wife would get in the way of his desire to be the best remediate that he could be. In a letter that Ophelia wrote to Paul she said, The qualities I love in you-that drew me to you-also cause me to resent you namely your unswerving commitment to the poor, your interminable schedule and your massive compassion for others (Kidder 66). This quote proves how much Farmer put himself before others and put his personal life last on his priority list.Ophelia expound Paul Farmer as someone whom is a pleasure to work around. She explained there is always a way to avoid being a bystander because Farmer constantly needs help. In response to that, Ophelia helped start Par tners In Health and still manages the organization today. Tom White was also an essential part in the starting and continuance of Partners In Health. Kidder wrote, Some of the cash came from grants but most of it from private donations, the largest from a Boston developer named Tom White, who gave millions over the years (Kidder 22).White was a soused man who owned a construction firm in Boston and helped Farmer get enough money in order to start the infirmary that he thought had much potential. He met Paul Farmer when Farmer was still training to be a doctor and the millions of dollars he gave supported Partners In Health for several years. Although Tom White did not directly take care of any of the patients, he saved millions of lives due to his generosity. Without his money there would have been numerous tragic deaths that could have been treated with just a few supplies.Kidder explains, Farmer and his staff of community health workers treated most tuberculosis patients in their huts and spent between $150 an $200 to cure an uncomplicated case (Kidder 22). Thus, this quote goes to show how many lives Tom White technically saved with the millions of dollars he put forth. Jim Yong Kim is what we would call Paul Farmers partner in crime in carrying out Farmers ideals in medicine. Kim was a devote of Partners In Health with Farmer. He worked beside Farmer and is also a Brigham doctor who puts much of his life into saving patients with tuberculosis and AIDS.Farmer also played a owing(p) role in curing several cases of AIDS and HIV through World Health Organization. In addition to his help in Haiti, Kim also started a clinic in Peru to help cure severe cases of tuberculosis. In Peru, he helped create a treatment program for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. He successfully solved many tuberculosis cases in Peru and proved to many it is possible to cure severe cases that may seem untreatable. Kim still continues helping with Partners In Health and contributing to the expanding medical field.Without the help of these individuals, Paul Farmer would not have accomplished nearly as much as he did. The much support and help that one has the more goals they are likely to accomplish. Although Dahl, White, and Kim may not have been as extreme as Farmer they still changed many lives. They created organizations that still stand today and continue to help sick dc-=-people. If everyone helped someone just once at some point in their day like Farmer did, more and more lives could be changed.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Issue of Kashmir and Role of Pakistan

The Quaid was non given to making rhetorical pronouncements. He was a realist not an idealist. As a pragmatist and a jurist, he chose his words with c ar before uttering them and he was a man of his word. The jugular vein and the body are inversely inter-dependant. Pakistans life-blood water passes through Kashmir. Kashmirs life force its commerce, its battalions very livelihood, its cultural heritage all lay through its contacts with what is straightway Pakistan. Both Kashmir and Pakistan have suffered all these years because of artificial man-made barriers between the two.Regrettably, the Quaid-e-Azam did not live long enough to influence the events that followed. The question that presents itself begging for an answer is if he had lived for a few more years would he have allowed this exhaust to linger on for so long? We may do sanitary to give this aspect close to thought. Regrettably, the leadership that followed the Quaid singularly failed to live up to his ideals. S everal issues the Kashmir issue among them that should have been tackled betimes and were not are a deposition to this. This is neither the time nor the occasion to go into the history of this issue.Suffice it to state that after the Quaid, successive leadership appear to have missed the bus. The struggle of the people of the country predates the partition of what was then British India. Even before the British left, the people of the State had already asserted, through a valiant struggle, their inalienable full to decide their profess future. When the matter landed in the Security Council of the United Nations, the World Body went on to put its stamp of approval on this aboriginal right of the people of the Jammu and Kashmir.The right of self-determination of the people of the State of Jammu and Kashmir was guaranteed by the United Nations. As a result of the resolutions of the world body, four parties to the dispute were explicitly effd 1) The government of India 2) The go vernment of Pakistan 3) The people of the State and, by implication, 4) The international community, through the United Nations. Any stir upment towards a final settlement of the issue should, therefore, need to be endorsed by all the four parties. No one party has the right to unilaterally impose a settlement nor, in deed, to move the goal posts.This remains the internationally recognized position. In 1947, British rule in India ended with the creation of two revolutionary nations the Union of India and the Dominion of Pakistan, plot of land British suzerainty over the 562 Indian princely statesended. According to the Indian Independence Act 1947, the suzerainty of His Majesty over the Indian States lapses, and with it, all treaties and agreements in force at the date of the passing of this Act between His Majesty and the rulers of Indian States,so the states were left to choose whether to join India or Pakistan or to remain independent.Jammu and Kashmir, the largest of the prin cely states, had a preponderantly Muslim population, while having a Hindu ruler ( maharaja Hari Singh. ) On partition Pakistan expected Kashmir to be annexed to it. In October 1947, Muslim revolutionaries in western Kashmir and Pakistani tribals from Dir entered Kashmir, intending to manumit it from Dogra rule. Unable to withstand the invasion, the Maharaja signed the Instrument of Accession that was accepted by the government of India on 27 October 1947.The resulting war over Kashmir, the First Kashmir War, lasted until 1948, when India locomote the issue to the UN Security Council. Sheikh Abdullah was not in favour of India seeking UN intervention because he was sure the Indian Army could free the entire State of invaders. The UN had previously passed resolutions for setting up monitoring of the conflict in Kashmir. Following the set-up of the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNCIP), the UN Security Council passed Resolution 47 on 21 April 1948.The r esolution imposed an immediate cease-fire and called on Pakistan to withdraw all military presence. The resolution stated that Pakistan would have no articulate in Jammu and Kashmir politics. India would retain a minimum military presence and the final disposition of the State of Jammu and Kashmir exit be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations. The ceasefire was enacted on 31 December 1948.The Indian and Pakistani governments agreed to hold the plebiscite, but Pakistan did not withdraw its troops from Kashmir, thus violating the conditions for holding the plebiscite Over the next several years, the UN Security Council passed four new resolutions, revising the terms of Resolution 47 to include a synchronous withdrawal of both Indian and Pakistani troops from the region, To this end, UN arbitrators put forward 11 different proposals for the demilitar ization of the region. All of these were accepted by Pakistan, but rejected by the Indian government.Resolutions passed under the UN charter are considered non-binding and have no mandatory enforceability, as opposed to the resolutions passed under Chapter VII. In 1965 and 1971, heavy fighting broke out again between India and Pakistan. The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 resulted in the defeat of Pakistan and the Pakistani militarys surrender in East Pakistan. The Simla Agreement was signed in 1972 between India and Pakistan. By this treaty, both countries agreed to settle all issues by peaceful means using mutual discussion in the framework of the UN Charter.In 1989, a widespread popular and armed insurgence started in Kashmir. After the 1987 State legislative assembly election, some of the results were disputed. This resulted in the formation militant wings after the election and was the beginning of the Mujahadeen insurgency, which continues to this day. India contends that the insu rgency was largely started by Afghan mujahadeen who entered the Kashmir valley following(a) the end of the Soviet-Afghan War. Pakistani and Kashmiri nationalists argue that Afghan mujahideen did not leave Afghanistan in large numbers until 1992, three years after the insurgency began.Yasin Malik, a leader of one faction of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front, was one of the Kashmiris to organize militancy in Kashmir, Since 1995, Malik has renounced the use of violence and calls for strictly peaceful methods to resolve the dispute. He developed differences with one of the senior leaders, for shunning the demand for an independent Kashmir and trying to cut a deal with the Indian Prime Minister. Pakistan claims these insurgents are Jammu and Kashmir citizens, and are ascent up against the Indian army in an independence sweat.Pakistan accuses the Indian army of committing serious human rights violations in Kashmir. Pakistan denies that it has or currently is supplying weapons and ammun ition to the insurgents. India claims these insurgents are Islamic terrorist groups from Pakistan-administered Kashmir and Afghanistan, fighting to make Jammu and Kashmir part of Pakistan. They claim Pakistan is supplying munitions to the terrorists and training them in Pakistan. India states that the terrorists have been killing many citizens in Kashmir and committing human rights violations.They deny that their own armed forces are responsible for human rights abuses. On a visit to Pakistan in 2006 current Chief Minister of Kashmir Omar Abdullah remarked that foreign militants were engaged in bold killings and mayhem in the name of religion. Indian government has said militancy is now on the decline. The Pakistani government calls these insurgents Kashmiri freedom fighters, and claims that it gives only incorrupt and diplomatic support to these insurgents, though Indiabelieves they are Pakistan-supported terrorists from Pakistan Administered Kashmir.In October 2008, President As if Ali Zardari of Pakistan called the Kashmir separatists terrorists in an interview . these comments by Zardari sparked outrage amongs many Kashmiris, some of whom defied a curfew by the Indian army to burn him in effigy. There has been a purely indigenous, purely Kashmiripeaceful protest movement alongside the insurgency in Indian-administered Kashmir since 1989. The movement was created for the same reason as the insurgency it began with the disputed rigged elections of 1987.The Kashmiris have grievances with the Indian government, specifically the Indian Military, which has committed human rights violations, according to the United Nations. In mid-1999, insurgents and Pakistani soldiers from Pakistani Kashmir infiltrated into Jammu and Kashmir. During the winter season, Indian forces regularly move down to lower altitudes, as severe climatic conditions makes it almost impossible for them to guard the utmost peaks near the Line of Control. The insurgents took advantage of this a nd occupied vacant mountain peaks of the Kargil range overlooking the highway in Indian Kashmir that connect sarinagars and Leh.By blocking the highway, they precious to cut off the only link between the Kashmir Valley . This resulted in a high-scale conflict between the Indian Army and the Pakistan Army. Fears of the Kargil War turning into a nuclear war provoked the then-United States President Bill Clinton to pressure Pakistan to retreat. Faced with mounting losses of personnel and posts, the Pakistan Army withdrew their remaining troops from the area, ending the conflict. India acquire control of the peaks, which they now patrol and monitor all year long.Pakistans claims to the disputed region are based on the rejection of Indian claims to Kashmir, namely the Instrument of Accession. Pakistan insists that the Maharaja was not a popular leader, and was regarded as a tyrant by most Kashmiris. Pakistan retains that the Maharaja used brute force to suppress the population. Pakista n accuses India of hypocrisy, as it refused to recognize the accession of Junagadh to Pakistan and Hyderabads independence, on the grounds that those two states had Hindu majorities.Since he had fled Kashmir due to Pakistani invasion,Pakistan argues that even if the Maharaja had any authority in determining the subscribe of Kashmir, Pakistan claims that Indian forces were in Kashmir before the Instrument of Accession was signed with India, and that therefore Indian troops were in Kashmir in violation of the Standstill Agreement, which was designed to maintain the status quo in Kashmir From 1990 to 1999, some organizations reported that the Indian Armed Forces, its paramilitary groups, and counter-insurgent militias were responsible for the deaths 4,501 Kashmiri civilians.Also from 1990 to 1999, there were records of 4,242 women between the ages of 770 being raped.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Brazil and India Essay

Since mid 1970s, East Asia and Latin America with specific references to India and brazil-nut tree respectively restrain preserve tremendous growth in their benignantkind Development big businessman score. It is only the Afri dismiss continent that has lagged behind in issues of favorable justice, development and globalisation collectible to poor governance, overdependence on donor support and the low life expectancy due to the effect of HIV/AIDS. A considerable growth of India in hurt of globalization and improve saving has been noted in the last two decades.By 1900, the United States had become a member of the stinting core, while brazil remained mired in the semi-periphery (DeWitt, pp. 4-10). Factors of consideration in the measurement of humanity development of a vocalizationicular nation that include life expectancy, adult literacy and the purchasing federal agency parity (PPT) indicate that these two nations have moved a notch higher on the HDI scale. These nati ons have also noted a considerable proceeds in other matters such(prenominal) as gender equality, respect for human rights and political and affable freedoms.According to Human Development Report, the Human Development Index for India is 0. 169. This gives the coarse a rank of 128th out of 177 with data. This indicates that India has recorded positive reassigns in its HDI ranking. A deeper examination of important issues related to the well being of people such as income gives a better understanding on how a countrys level of development can be tracked. Relations between Brazil and India seem to be blooming recently, favored by a mix of domestic and international developments.Together with an expanded terrain of habitual interests in multilateral political and economic matters, both countries share the trend of perceiving bilateralism as a stimulating and useful learning process (Monica, pp. 143-164). India and Brazil can no longer qualify to be graded as developing nations. Gender issues in India that involve deeper understanding of the dissimilarities between different sexes, male and female reveal an improved overall rating.The allocation of natural resources, job opportunities and responsibilities provide an indication on how incentives and rewards are given in relation to gender. The humanss of institutions that champion for gender equality have recorded improved achievements in their goals. India has interpreted much consideration on special and practical needs of women. The constitutions of India and Brazil have gender and equality in their introductory statements and further enshrined in the different sections of the constitutions.Further positive amendments and reforms have been undertaken in the years to level the playing field in terms of purchasable opportunities for both sexes. The ratification of a number of international conventions and human rights aimed at appreciating the role of women in fiat indicate Indias record in matters of s ocial justice. A good example is the ratification of the 1993 convention on elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. Furthermore, the number of women in India connecter panchayats has been growing by the year.The 1993 constitutional amendment that requires that a third of those elected to the local governing authorities be women is a clear indication that India has taken gender issues gravely. national policy on women empowerment in 2001 is specifically geared towards empowering women from the grassroots level. 2. 0 Brazil and India highly-developed or developing? 2. 1 India as a Developed Nation The Indian economy has always been on the upward surge and the reality that it is a part of the developed founding cannot be brushed aside.Indian economy has recorded a 6-7 per cent growth and in the last three years achieved an average growth rate of 8 per cent (Monica, pp. 101-145). Further add-on in these figures is very possible considering that India still has oppo rtunities for the improvement in its infrastructure, agriculture and the service industry. It is projected that if this trend continues or accelerated further, India is capable of doubling its gross domestic product within the next 10 years. Globalization Immense improvement in trade systems and the measure of inflow of capital are to the benefit of India.The concept of globalization that has do trade easier and led to the death of distance has contri provideded crucially to trade, immigration and development issues in India. The dynamics of a global economy is being reshaped by the economic emergence of two Asian giants, China and India. How the worlds two most populous countries manage globalization as they pursue economic reform and liberalization will impact significantly their societies, the rest of Asia, and the world (Kelly, Rajan and Goh, pp. 10-15).While factors of endowments such as land, capital and labor were used as yardsticks for criterion the strength of countries and economy, today globalization has brought about other important factors such as political and institutional reforms. The determination of the countrys income flow is predominantly based on the demand of its products, services and natural resources by other countries. India has grabbed this window of trade opportunity by reforming its industrial welkin and coming up with products and services that are demanded all over the globe.Increased business activities have led to the modernization of Indias ports, airports and railway system. Such infrastructural development has contributed to the improved Human Development Index and so making India a member club of the developed nations. The drastic shift from production of labor intensive crops to primary commodities has made India an ideal example of an industrialized nation. Furthermore the utilization of the service sector that includes transport, banking, construction, public administration and security and radical reforms contribu ted significantly to its higher standings.The advancement in the information and communication technology sector and constitutional freedoms to access to information have facilitated a robust and informed elite of businessmen and businesswomen from India with knowledge on the understanding of worlds economy and global trade. The availability of skilled labor in the human resource sector of an economy is a decisive on the level of a countrys overall growth in the knowledge-based sector service. This sector is one of the most essential as globalization and its aspects demands constant supply of professional and technical services for the various segments of the economy.India is a global leader in the supply of this crucial sector of development and is at the top position for global consultations and migration of physicians and medical personnel to other parts of the world including the United States and the United Kingdom. India has extensively made use of the decrease in price tarif fs in the transport and communication sector due to globalization. The development of the containerization has made the world a global village and thus distances do not matter. The use of internet and cheap telephone calls has furthermore simplified trade deals.India has effectively made use of these sectors thereby maximizing the advantages that come along with them. Furthermore, mark India as a developing nation is failing to live with the reality that development in human index is based on galore(postnominal) factors that change from time to time and may then take a long period to discover. India has had a long walk in this area and as such has recorded big advancement in its sectors of economy making it one of the giant economies in Asia. Globalization has thus contributed not only to the economy but also to the service sector.Understanding that a country does not have to rely on the productions of cheap products to record growth and that related products such as productions o f flash-disks or hard-disk presss for use in computers manufactured in another country can create a significant shift from the traditional forms of trade beliefs. Advantages taken in skills to adapt to changes in the global trade has cushioned India from the adverse effects of shifting and constantly insecure changes in the major world economy. managerial competence and technical know-how have been used in India to advance its service sector of the economy.Measures regarding the integration of Asian financial market and further trade and regional cooperation are likely to work the advantage of Indias economy and its improvement on human development index standings. Social Justice Health indicators hand over that India has almost achieved the effort of completely bringing polio to eradication due to reforms in its health sector. Free information and drug dispensing has contributed to sharp decline in Tuberculosis and the provision of generic drugs from its pharmaceutical industries has helped keep the prevalence of HIV/AIDS to below one percent.The efficient management of programs such as the topic Aids Control Programs revised, National Tuberculosis program and the National Polio Eradication Program have given more support to efforts directed at controlling the adverse effects of these diseases. Sub-Saharan Africa has suffered massively due to the effects of HIV/AIDS and thus has a long way before joining the club of developed nations. Furthermore, India has made remarkable inroads towards the achievement of a oecumenic primary education program.The 2001 Sarva Shirksha Abhiyan (SSA) elementary education program by the education sector has made access to school by the poor record commendable improvement. The emissions of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide (CO2) have made the world to rethink and provide visible solutions to save the future generations. India and its industry contribute to 4. 6% of global emission an average of 1. 2 tones of carbon dioxid e per person. This is a testimony that India is an industrialized nation and thus a contributor to world toxic carbons. However, India is signatory and has gone ahead to ratify the Kyoto Protocol.This provides an indicator on its position as an economic giant and its reach for the environment and the future generations. Its readiness to cut back its emissions shows a fully informed nation prepared to change its industry sector and adopt safer systems of manufacturing and savory in industrial activities that pollute the atmosphere. The birth of India as a secular nation was realized in 1947 with the divisions of two of its large lands into an Islamic nation, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The easterly part of India always referred to as East Pakistan later became to be known as Bangladesh.Freedom of religion is deeply enshrined in its contribution and its preamble describes India as a secular nation. The top government officials of India are composed of individuals with different religio n backgrounds. It has had an instance of a Hindu president, a Sikh prime minister, a Christian leader of congress party a defense minister who is a catholic and a Muslim vice president. This shows that India has attained a level in which leadership positions do not take care of religious background but integration of these different religious achieved by the realization of a common state.Religious tolerance and the freedom to equally exercise religion publicly is an indicator on the level of democracy. 2. 2 Brazil as a Developed Nation The democratization process in Brazil has accelerated so fast. Politically Brazil is emerging as a centre for democracy later on year of military dictatorships associated with violations of human rights and denial of political freedoms. The election of a civilian president through the electoral vote system formed a foundation for the beginning of democratization process (Hanashiro, pp.103- 105). Furthermore, Brazil has excellent relationships with ot her countries all over the world and does not involve itself in actions that undermine the sovereignty of other institutions. Its is today considered one of the linchpins of democracy in Latin America and an invitation to join the Group eight most industrialized and developed nations is an indicator as to the confidence other countries bestow on Brazil in terms of its governance records, social justice, development index and other related factors.The civil society in Brazil is a vibrant sector that keeps the government in tracks on matters related to human rights and justice. While there have cases in which human rights abuse have been recorded, the rate at which this improvement has taken place must be appreciated. With a staggering population of over 140 meg people, the authorities must face serious challenges of dealing with crime and providing measures that limit excess use of force in dealing with radical elements. Brazil has had significant improvement in the creation of po litical space.The existence of different political parties and organizations championing for political space or freedom is a clear indicator that serious changes have taken place. The constitution of Brazil has democracy issues in its pre-amble and further defines the importance of democratic space, freedom of association and achievement of full potential and pleasure in its contents. Protection of citizens and individuals regardless of their political associations is a further indicator of its commitment to being not only a politically stable country but also a nation that upholds the rule of law and justice to all its populace.Brazil is a major player in the production of many products. Through its manufacturing industries, Brazil produces automobiles, computers, aircrafts and boasts of a nuclear reactor. Development structures are ever on the increase and a standing example is the solution of the problem of subacute shortage of petrol globally between 1973 and 1980. It achieved a commendable success by switching from the conventional and traditional use of petroleum to the use of renewable source of energy for its automobile industry.It does has recorded a major contribution towards cutting down of green gases and carbon dioxide (CO2) because of the use of sugar and alcohol to drive these domestically manufactured hybrid cars and automobiles. This success in alternative energy development means that Brazils economy can move away even in cases of acute shortage of petroleum and its products. The development of the aerospace industry is another boost for the development of Brazil as a developed nation. It is a manufacturer of aircrafts and spare parts of these machines that are then sold to more than 40 countries worldwide today.These aircrafts meets the international standards of air safety and come at free-enterprise(a) prices in comparison to those manufactured in Europe. The construction industry in Brazil is recognized worldwide and notably in Latin America with contracts in Africa and Asia. Construction of dams, expansion of the road network, building of houses, airports and ports are carried out by engineers and professionals trained in Brazil and by construction firms registered and chartered by the Brazilians themselves.They can still explore the impact of five policy areas on employment creation macroeconomic policy, trade liberalization, foreign direct investment, labor market regulations and policies, and social dialogue (Auer and Ernst, pp. 223-239). Furthermore, development in other sectors of the economy is likely to take place as there is still a big opportunity for development. The existence of a sophisticated information communication and technology is a clear sign of its thirst for a faster achievement of its development goals by the operation of modern methods.Brazil boosts of an excellent system of communication where all people have the freedom of access to information and as such is a pillar of development in Latin America. Trade with other nations has gone high since 1990 due to production of quality products that creates demand thereby promoting the local based industries. The immediate application and encouragement of use of modern methods of transport and communication has accelerated the speed at which Brazil can be said to be globalized. tourism in Brazil has overtaken many tourist destinations and countries all over the world.In Latin American, Brazil has the best tourist sports such as beautiful beaches of Rio de Janeiro, the eastern ports of Fortaleza and its all the year summer attract tourists from all over the globe. Presence of the Iguacu Falls at the boarder with Argentina offers a unique and spectacular overhear that cannot be compared to any spot in the world. The constitution of Brazil further provides for the respect of religion practice and upholds the freedom of religion. There are no biramous standards in cases of religion and all citizens irrespective of their re ligion affiliations are considered equal.Its laws go further in prohibiting all forms of discrimination based on religion. It is one of the religious democratic countries that do not demand registration of a religious group. In the recent two centuries, there have never been open reports of arrests and detainment of religious leaders or stakeholders. 3. 0 Conclusion Economic achievements of India and Brazil for the past three decades qualify them to join the club of developed nations. Respect for human rights, rule of law and order, industrialization, research in fields of health and information and communication technology confirm this statement.Further achievement in the provision of universal primary education, gender equality and availability of job opportunities are further indicators. The invitation of these two nations together with Japan and Germany attest further proof to the confidence of the world in the institutions and governance. Brazil and India thus qualify to be de veloped nations. References Auer, P. and Ernst, C. , Meeting the Employment Challenge Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico in the Global Economy. ISBN 9221179478, 9789221179474, International Labor Organization, pp. 4-6 (2006) DeWitt, J., Early globalization and the Economic Development of the United States and Brazil. ISBN 0275971996, 9780275971991, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002. Hanashiro, O. , Democratizing State and Civil Society in Brazil. 43 (3), pp. 103-105, (2000) Kelly, D. A. , Rajan, R. S. and Goh, G. H. L. , Managing globalization lessons from China and India inaugural conference of the Lee Kuan Yew give instruction of Public Policy. ISBN 9812564942, 9789812564948, Published by World Scientific, (2006) Monica, H. , BrazilIndia Relations, South Asian Survey, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 143-164 (2008)

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Chemistry IA

Research question Does the concentration (mol DMS) of sulfur dioxide in wine-coloured rise or f tout ensemble when exposed to scare for diametric time periods (O, 75,150,225, 300 minutes)? Purpose Many adults enjoy the consumption of wine but are non aware of the different preservatives and chemicals that are added to the drink. mho Dioxide, which is added to many food products including wine because it acts as a redundant, is Well known as a poisonous and allergenic substance (Echo-consult, n. D), making it a roughly harmful ingredient.The purpose of this experiment Is to determine how the amount of sulfur dioxide In white wine Is affected by the exposure to the alarm over different time periods and whether this will negatively or positively affect the human body. The boiling point of sulfur dioxide is -ICC, in that respectfore when it is above this temperature it is expected to evaporate. According to Rutledge Estates, an Australian wine companytriangle Estates, 2011), the c oncentration of sulfur dioxide In wine reduces when subjected to aeration, this loss of sulfur dioxide increases over time.This reduction in sulfur dioxide can be beneficial for people with allergies but can be harmful for the wine as oxidation causes a loss of the fruity step, browning, and the development of allowedly or kookie flavors (Threadlike, 2013). Hypothesis As the wine Is left out for longer the sulfur dioxide content falls. Variables Variable Dependent The amount of Sulfur doodle Independent marrow of time Controlled The equipment used The rinsing techniques The measurements of each Sodium hydroxide (ml) White wine (ml) Sulfuric acid (1 Mol) Starch indicator (2 ml) Set Up centerfield flask Stopwatch PipetteThese results did not conform to the hypothesis this difference could be a result of the percentage misapprehension in the equipment, and the systematic error. The results for each test only varied slightly therefore the narrow time limit could have affected the results, there may have been larger difference of sis if the experiment was conducted over a larger period of time. If this was the problem then it can be seen that over short periods of time the concentration of SIS does not substitute very much.This means that wine will take longer to oxides and will have antibacterial properties for a longer time, making it retain its flavor and quality for a longer time. helping errors in instruments Percentage error for Pipette- Percentage error com of pipettes wine) X 100 x 100 ?0. 2% Percentage error for Burette titration 1- Percentage error =(Uncertainty com of average titration) X 100 =(0. 049. 60) XIII Table of percentage errors in instruments Instrument Titration Uncertainty Percentage error (%) o. Ml 0. % o. Ml 0. 4% 5 Evaluation Weakness Reason Improvement The timing of each interval. The laboratory was lock at certain times, this was not accounted for in the planning stage and made the timing very inaccurate. Plan the experiment at the beginning of the day accounting for all breaks and laboratory transaction hours. The number of trials There was not enough time to do enough trials to get three concordant results for each test Repeat experiment until there are at least three concordant results Seeing the end pointIt was hard to tell what color the endpoint should be as the previous titration would change color after a period of time Have a color chart that is permanent which the color of the titer can be compared to pollution of wine The beakers holding the wine were exposed to the air and there may have been gases in the air which contaminated the wine. Place the wine in a place which is not exposed to things which could contaminate it. Rinsing technique The equipment was rinsed multiple times but foreign chemicals could still have been present Repeat all of the rising steps twice to ensure they are not contaminatedMeasuring inaccuracies Seeing how much iodine was still in the burette was difficult because t he lines were very final stage together. Spend more time with maximum concentration on viewing the measurements on the burette. Bibliography Threadlike, M 2013 Wine Aeration and Its Adverse Effects, Iowa State University, accessed 25 November 2013, . Shannon, C 2011 Is aerating wine Just hot air? , Rutledge Estates, accessed November 2013, . The use of Sulfur Dioxide in Must and Wine n. D. , Echo-consult, Pdf, accessed Xavier, L n. D. Titration, CICADAS, accessed 25 November 2013, .

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Causes of Lying

How m both people can say that they have never lie ind? In all in all sincerity, there is no one that could confess that. A lie is an untruth, a deviation, big or small, from what is known to be real. It is a fictional statement by choice presented as being true, thus misrepresenting a situation or giving a totally wrong impression about something (Why people lie). Its a natural feeling to want to lie or omit the truth to get out of a difficult situation. Most of the eon people are dishonest because they fear that grievous the truth will get them in trouble.The main motives that cause people to lie are the attempts to forfend punishment, to seek attention, and to protect others feelings. One of the most common reasons that people tweak the truth is to avoid punishment. The consequences of our actions can sometimes be frightful and in sanctify to cover up a certain incident we find it necessary to blame someone or something else. A good example would be telling a teacher the d og ate your homework. This person blamed the dog to get away with forgetting to do their worksheet therefore, they avoided getting a zero for the assignment.If a computed axial tomography sees an attractive woman walk by while he is on a date with his girlfriend, it is normal for him to want to get a better glance. At this point it is reasonable for his sweetie to examination if he was staring and if so, why? Of course the boy was admiring the lovely ladys beauty, but in baffle to avoid an argument or even a break up the young man simply explains how he only has eyes for his divine girlfriend. In order to stay out of trouble people must do what they have to stay in the clear. If that means another person has to face the monetary value of another peers action, well so be it.Another instance in which lying is quite popular is when individuals want to seek attention. sometimes people just want to fit in and be accepted by their associates, but in order to do that they must provide fa lse information. It boils down to the shifting sands of the self and trying to look good both to ourselves and others, experts say (Lloyd). Some people lie in order to fudge their life seem more interesting. Saying that you met a famous celebrity or exaggerating about a social outing can work on any social life appear exciting.Most of us want to be the center of attention and in order to get there we must make up stories to capture our friends interest. When a person really likes someone they pretend to be a fan of everything that individual favors just to capture their attention. A troop of times people just want to be perfect and act as if they know everything. In the article Why people lie it says A person applying for a job may claim proficiency in a certain field hes obviously not very good in because the job requirements state it as a prerequisite.Another such person may similarly claim expertise in a particular knowledge base for the sake of impressing his boss, or in hop e of promotion. This is called lying to move on an advantage over other people. This is where someone wants to present themselves as a well round person to be more qualified for a position. Pretending to be some your not can only take someone so out-of-the-way(prenominal) until their busted. In some cases, what causes us to lie is the need protect other peoples feelings. Lying is usually intended to help ourselves out, but sometimes we do it to keep us from dragging others into our problems.The medical reports are in and it says you have been diagnosed with cancer. The easy thing to do is to tell friends and family about the illness to gain their support. Lately, the people who love you the most have been really stressed out with problems of their own. Since they are having such a difficult time, some may think it would be best to keep the illness a secret. When loved ones ask about the results of the exam you say everything is okay. Dragging others into things that they should no t worry about isnt necessary it is better if we look after each others feelings.When Moms spend a whole day preparing a special meal for their family it sometimes doesnt turn out so great, but we realize that they dedicated all their time into creating something everyone could enjoy, so we tell them the food was delicious. A common question asked by ladies is if a particular outfit makes them look fat. Although what they are wearing may make them come across as chubby, you say it looks sensational on them to spare them the grief. The study, published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology, found that 60 percent of people had lied at least once during the 10-minute conversation, adage an average of 2. 2 inaccurate things (Lloyd).The truth is a rare thing to hear now and days, but its all in the mathematical function of creating slight drama in our day to day lives. Everyone lies, its just another part of life, but behind every lie there is a purpose whether it is to avoid getting a phone taken up or to make someone feel good. Many situations lead to one of these three causes of lying. sometimes all people want is to protect themselves or to care for others with false reports. At the end of the day millions of individuals would have lied, but the world continues to revolve.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Summary of Professional Development 1, Chapter 5 – 7

To make sure the best reply will be generated once the problem is defined, guidance of estimation generation techniques is signifi arousetly important in breaking down the barriers to generating. Mental blocks are mainly the hindrance on the progress toward a solution. Mental blocks sack be divided into seven blocks, which are conceptual, perceptual, emotional, cultural, environmental, intellectual and expressive blocks. Gomans blockbusters can be used to overcome these blocks. For example, Gomans Blockbusters Block Blockbuster 1. Negative office 1. Attitude Adjustment 2. Fear of Failure 2. Risk Taking 3.Following the Rules 3. Breaking the Rules 4. Over-reliance on Logic 4. creative Internal Climate 5. Belief That You Arent Creative 5. Creative Beliefs After that, use brainstorming to generate solutions to the problem. Process of generating solutions is started with free association that is, writing down all available suggestions without judgment of the feasibility. Free associ ation can be used to generate the initial set of ideas. When the flow of suggestions becomes low, triggers can be used to rejuvenate the rate of suggestions, which are vertical mentation, lateral persuasion, TRIZ, cross-fertilization, and futuring.Vertical thinking can be used to build on previous ideas and generate new ideas. One of the vertical thinking techniques is Osborns checklist, to adapt, modify, magnify, minify, substitute, rearrange and combine. Lateral thinking is to use random stimulation and other peoples views when in a rut. Futuring is a blockbusting technique to remove all technical blocks to envision a solution in the future. The rules for futuring are relatively simple, try to imagine the ideal solution without regard to whether it is technically feasible.The fishbone diagram can be used in organizing brainstorming ideas. It can be very helpful in visualizing all the ideas which have been generated. Analogies and cross-fertilization are to bring ideas, phenomena, and knowledge from other disciplines to bear on the problem and lastly, TRIZ is to resolve contradictions. Once the real problems have been defined and some potential solutions have been generated, finis on which problem to address first and which actions should be taken to address this problem should be made.After that, the best solution from the possible alternatives should be selected. Lastly, close on how to avoid additional problems as implementing the chosen solution would also be made. An organized process for making these conclusions is the Kepner Tregoe (K. T. ) approach. One of the unique features of each of the K. T. strategies is the way of displaying the data. In each case, function appraisal problem analysis, decision analysis, and potential problem analysis would be used and lastly, analyzing the date listed in each table will help to reach a decision.Situation Appraisal Problems Timing(H,M,L) Trend(H,M,L) Impact(H,M,L) nigh Process(PA,DA,PPA) 1. 2. 3. Pro blem Analysis Is Is Not Distinction Problem Cause What Where When Extent Decision Analysis Potential Problems Possible Causes Preventive Actions Contingent Plan A. 1. 2. B. 1. 2. K. T. situation appraisal can be helpful when multiple problems are faced at the same time. Deciding the priority, evaluating criteria and deciding which action to take are to be done during situation appraisal.Each problem is measured against the criteria of timing, trend, and impact. These criteria are rated as warranting degree of concern, which are high (H), moderate (M), or low (L). Once the problem is known, decision analysis (DA) can be used. In the DA technique, the cause of the problem has been found and the decision at the present time is how to correct the problem. Once the decision is made, problem potential analysis (PPA) will ensure the success of the decision.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Special Situations In Trauma Recognition Health And Social Care Essay

The earliest recordings of electronic jamming syndrome, which is besides known as Traumatic rhabdomyolysis or Baywaters syndrome are from 1910, when German writers described symptoms of mischiefing, failing and brown- grim body of water in soldiers rescued after being buried under structural dust 1 . The position was decently classified in 1941 during the London blitz in patients showing with symptoms of daze, conceited appendages, tea coloured urine and nephritic failure, by British nephrologist Eric Bywater 1 .In more recent times, instances of ruin syndrome hold been seen in greatest Numberss following natural catastrophes much(prenominal)(prenominal) as temblors. Clinical profiling of the types of hurts treated in local infirmaries following a natural catastrophe give an indicant of the prevalence of this type of hurt in such state of affairss. Following the Wenchuan temblor in China in 2008, a marrow of 19 out of 205 patients admitted to two local learning infirmari es were enduring from stuff syndrome 2 , plot of land the instances of crush syndrome reported following the 1999 Marmara temblor in Turkey were every bit high as 17 % of reported hurts 3 . While the Numberss whitethorn intensify, one thing that is evident is that crush syndrome is a authentically existent hurt menace in such state of affairss, and that acknowledgment of the marks of this hurt, and an apprehension of the responsibility hindrance methods may good ensue in lives being saved in such scenarios.Crush syndrome weapon of actionCrush syndrome occurs as the consequence of a localized crush hurt. As a consequence of compaction of the brawniness mass, the musculus fibers are deprived of blood and can go ischemic. With drawn-out ischaemia of greater than 6 hours in continuance, tissue mortification occurs. Direct hurt signifier the suppression force besides causes prostitute to the mobile phone membrane, which consequences in the gap of intracellular Na and Ca c hannels with a attendant influx of Na and Ca into the cell. This influx consequences in increased harm to the musculus fibers and accordingly exacerbates cell membrane disfunction and causes the forgive of ATP-inhibiting nucleases, farther damaging the cells.With the return of circulation to the ischaemic tissue country following lineage or deliverance, comes farther tissue harm. Tissue reperfusion consequences in an addition in neutrophil activity and the release of free groups. The reaction of H peroxide and the anionic signifier of O ( superoxide ) , consequences in the organisation of hydroxyl groups in big tautnesss which further amendss cellular constituents and causes lipid peroxidation. The attendant lipid peroxidation leads to the devastation of the cell membrane and cell lysis ( reperfusion syndrome ) . knowing kidney hurtThe major effect of rhabdomyolysis is acute kidney hurt, which if left untreated can take to kidney failure. Acute kidney injure can happen as a effe ct ofNephritic vasoconstrictionTubular obstructor callable to the organization of dramatis personaesDirect heme induced cytotoxicityMyoglobin is an iron-containing protein found in skeletal musculus that is structurally sympathetic to haemoglobin, but binds one instead than four molecules of O. Its concentration is greatest in musculuss specialised for su scandaled contraction, where myoglobin may supply O when blood flow is cut off due(p) to its greater affinity for O. wish well hemoglobin, myoglobin is filtered through the glomeruli of the kidneys and reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubules by endocytosis. Within lysosomes in the cells of the tubules, the hematohiston concatenation offprints from the Fe incorporating part of the molecule ( ferrihemate ) , the free Fe is so converted to ferritin. The big volumes of myoglobin delivered to the tubule cells overwhelm the cells ability to change over Fe to ferritin. The effect of this is a build-up intracellular ferrihemate. O xidative emphasis harm to the cannular cells consequences from the contemporaries of free groups by the Fe molecules.The inordinate degrees of Fe in the cannular cells, causes their resorption to be inhibited. The concentration of Fe in the piss is further increased due to resorption of the H2O in the tubules due to systemic vasoconstriction and hypovolaemia 4 . The increased concentrations of Fe in the urine consequence in the brass of dramatis personaes which cause obstructor of the nephritic tubules.The nephritic tubule obstructor by the myoglobin dramatis personaes, the free extremist formation and the vasoconstriction and hypoxia caused by hypovolaemia are the chief causes of acute nephritic failure.Alternate causes of rhabdomyolysisWhile crush syndrome is a major cause of rhabdomyolysis in comparatively important Numberss, it is non the lone cause of this hurt. There are legion other possible causes, that, while rare, are no less life endangering. These includeOther causes of musculus hurt such as electric dazes and ictussCertain toxins such as ecstasy and cocaineCholesterol take dismantleing drugs such as lipid-lowering medicines and fibratesCertain viral ( Epstein Barr virus, HIV ) and bacterial ( Legionella ) infectionsCertain familial familial upsets such as Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 lack and McArdle s diseaseElectrolyte lacks such as hypophosphatemia and hypokalaemiaDiagnosis of rhabdomyolysisThe most dependable tryout for the diagnosing of rhabdomyolysis is a step of plasma creatinine kinase degrees. The enzyme is released into the blood following cell rupture and the concentration of the enzyme in the blood is relative to the extent of musculus hurt. Blood degrees more than five times above the stop number bound of normal are a definite index of the presence of rhabdomyolysis.The presence of urinary myoglobin is some other index of rhabdomyolysis. High go arounding concentrations of myoglobin will do myoglobin carbamide, which will ensue in a chocolate-brown stain of the patient s piss. Standard urine dipstick trials detect heme and are unable to distinguish among hematurias, haemoglobinurea and myoglobin carbamide, and as such can non be used as a definite index of rhabdomyolysis. The absence of myoglobinurea can non be used to govern out a diagnosing of rhabdomyolysis either, as myoglobin is quickly metabolised by the liver.Elevated degrees of lactate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase in the blood are other utile indexs of the presence of rhabdomyolysis. intercessionThe runner intervention measure should be the removal of the oppressing force, nevertheless if the victim has been trapped for an drawn-out period of clip, remotion of the force may ensue in reperfusion syndrome which may ensue in sudden decease.Initial medical exam intervention, whether in a infirmary scene or in the field, should get down with aggressive rehydration of the patient. Treatment guidelines from the U.S. Department o f Health and Human Services recommend the disposal of 1500 milliliter of endovenous fluids per hr, with disposal of endovenous fluids with Osmitrol to keep diuresis at 300 milliliters per hr, with the purpose of forestalling nephritic failure 5 . The alike(p) guidelines recommend that in the instance of intervention in a pre-hospital scene, disposal of endovenous fluids should get down prior to the realease of the crushed portion 5 . During the first 24 hours of intervention, up to 12 liters of endovenous fluids should be administered. 6 .Other fluid intervention regimens recommend the disposal of 1 liter of isosmotic salty with 1 liters of 5 % dextroglucose to which 100 mmol of Na hydrogen carbonate has been added 7 . The purpose of this intervention is to rectify metabolic acidosis in add-on to rinsing the myoglobin out of the patients system and cut downing the formation of dramatis personaes.In add-on to the remotion of myoglobin and dramatis personaes from the patient s system, endovenous fluid disposal besides aims at rectifying possible electrolyte upsets. If initial fluid intervention does non turn out effectual, dialysis intervention may be required 7 .With enliven and right medical intervention, the endurance rate for rhabdomyolysis induced acute nephritic failure is near to 80 % 8 .DecisionAlthough natural catastrophes remain rare in Western Europe, there remains the possibility the crush syndrome may happen in any catastrophe state of affairs such as street clangs or detonations. While crush syndrome and the potency for acute nephritic failure triggered by rhabdomyolysis carry a terrible menace of mortality, prompt and right intervention has the possible to salvage the lives of the bulk of crush syndrome softheaded persons.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

My Favorite Coat

I collapse a come out in my mind. Some say it is my favorite coat. Indeed, it is one of a kind. My coat has moods, just as I. The two of us must never part. In the summertime, my coat has my heart. During the fall leaves touch the ground but my coat and I are still around. In the winter when it gets cold, my coat and I never grow old. As cringe comes and snow melts away, my coat and I go out to play.Frost wrote,Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd look down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the underbrush (n.d., The Road non Taken).So my coat and I looked this road and realized too often the doughy load. I with my burdens all the day and my coat with its colors that sometimes changes from day to day. To understand how much we have gone through, one must know my coat is true up. My coat is described in the words to a lower place and in the end, my coat and I grow.DescriptionThe coat I own is very cozy . It has two pockets on the outside and one on the inside. The coat that I own is in my mind, that keeps me warm all the time. It is make of black leather on a cold winters day and lamb beat internal that is what I can say. Pockets are snuggly and warm like hand muffs. The sleeves come down all over my wrists, which is an advantage plus.My coat turns brown when the sun glistens through the trees. When it is autumn, the coat color changes in weather that is fair. browned for the leaves, that fall everywhere. The pockets are lined with silk that is white. One pocket inside, carries my eyesight (glasses).During long hot summers, my coat be true. It is on these days, it turns a cool shade of piquant. The sleeves zip off and I can put them together. At these times, they become my belt. My coat becomes my robe of many colors. Despite the heat, I wear it on. When the sweat comes, it pours down my face. Yet, my coat go ons true to its place.In the spring, when birds fill the air, my c oat can be seen given me care. My sleeves zip on, during nights I get a chill. The coat of mine warms me at will. It knows my body, snuggling me from shoulder space and then the length goes near my toes. All the years that my coat and I coexist, hardly anyone knows.My favorite coat, whether it is black, brown, or velvet blue changes with my mood and yet, go ons true. This coat of mine is worn everyday. If the sun comes out, it glistens within. No matter what, my coat is a true friend.Summers come often and the heat increases. My coat and I do not go to pieces. I am cooled by the cotton within. The coat, itself, never will end. What is that, you ask? Why, being my true friend.Now in the spring, once again, my coat and I often spend. Time together, my favorite coat and I, perplex in the park and watch people walk by. Birds still chirp and sing their song. My coat and I listen to expressions that never receive a gong.ConclusionFall comes and trees are bare. Yet, my coat and I remain in each others care. I am warmed all the day. The coat is cleaned whenever I say. Dry cleaners for the best of what my coat has to give. Never, I imply, my cost must live.So by the discharge of the moon, I take out the coat cleaner. My coat is washed until it looks leaner. Not a speck of dirt, the silk must show. When I wear my coat, we both must glow. In the summer, when the sleeves zip off once again, I remain true to my coat because it is my favorite friend.Frost mentioned,I shall be telling this with a sighsomewhere ages and ages henceTwo roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less travelled by,And that has made all the difference (n.d., The Road Not Taken).ReferenceFrost, R. (n.d.). Table of Contents The Road Not Taken. Retrieved February 28, 2007, from Web site http//

Saturday, May 18, 2019


mahbod moayeri PHONE604-475-3849 carrell778-387-4378 E-MAILemailprotected COM ADRESS316 1180 LANSDOWNE DRIVE,COQUITLAM, BC V3E 1J7 OBJECTIVE MY JOB OBJECTIVE IS TO BE A DOCTOR (BRAIN SURGEON). I wish TO USE MY TEACHING SKILLS TO HELP OTHER MEDICAL STUDENTS LEARN. SKILLS/QUALIFICATIONS I can solve math problems and hire the result to everyday I know how to do research and use the library effectively I can use instruments tools technology and formulas Computer literate using MS Word, Internet & email with blameless keyboard skills Organized with time management and multi-tasking skill A positive thinker with the ability to understand everyone information 2011 present Gleneagle Secondary School 604-464-5793 ( Coquitlam, BC Ms.Johal, Counselor Advance Placement coalition 12, Peer Tutoring 12, UBC physics Olympics 2013 (Third Place in one events) Sixth place in overall , control panel tennis 2012 (fourth Place), bow Tennis 2013 (Third Place) mathematics Club, Table Tennis Club at Gleneagle Volunteer at demeanor MoodyRecreation centre, segment of tricities student, evergreen 2005 2008 Ali, Middle School phone number (Esfahan -Iran Major highlights this is more a general formula of the 3 years at middle school AWARDS, CERTIFICATES & OTHER RECOGNITION Advance Placement Calculus 12, Peer Tutoring 12, UBC Physics Olympics 2013 (Third Place in one events) Sixth place in overall , Table tennis 2012 (fourth Place), Table Tennis 2013 (Third Place) Languages Communicate fluently at English and fluent in Farsi to a fault Arabic. Volunteer experience Gleneagle Secondary School/ Glen Pavilion/ Port Moody Recreational Centre/Math Club 1195 Lansdowne drive, Coquitlam,BC (Gleneagle secondary) 1200 glen Pine Court, Coquitlam, BC (Glen Pavilion) 300 loco road, Port Moody( Port Moody Recreational Centre) Mr. Ali Tootian(Gleneagle Secoondary)/Mr. Tootian(Glen Pavilion) /Ms. Sandra(President of Por t Moody Ecological Society)/Kasra Vahidi(President of math club)/Mr. Arvin Alaei/Ms.Sara khairkhah(I tutor these last 2 people) (604) 464-5793 Mr. Tootian/Mr. Kasra Vahidi(604)475-4048/emailprotected com(Ms. Sandra)/Mr. Arvin Alaei (604)722-8636/ Extracurricular activities, hobbies & interests Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Soccer References

Friday, May 17, 2019

Case Study Drivers of Industry Financial Structure

Case Study Drivers of Industry Financial social structure Executive Summary KR+H is a manufactory company in cabinet intentness and it had devised a unique operating strategy of producing high quality custom cabinets at a gloomy apostrophize. Because the investment fundss give reduce costs and increase the puddleing efficiency in manufacturing process. And the analysis will depute that adding investment is valuable and profitable. Based on KR+Hs yesteryear monetary transaction and the cost of investment, KR+H would need additional funding to fund the proposed enceinte investment.The internal backing could be genuinely difficult for KR+H based on it had a deficit in 1992. And internal financing may similarly slow down the investments because KR+H has to retain its profit. overly rising the price is not a actually good option in a long-run perspective. Because it could retard their offshoot and therefore did not represent a viable path to a semipermanent profitabilit y. So we suggest that KR+H should finance the proposed capital by relying on remote financing from a bank or an outside investor. ContextKR+H is a manufactory company that designs,fabricates and installs high quality, uniquely designed cabinetry. Now it had devised a unique operating strategy of producing high quality custom cabinets at a low cost. KR+H believes that the use of computer-controlled equipment allowed the firm to significantly reduce their labor cost and other production cost while change magnitude the efficiency of the manufacturing process. In order to support the exploitation if their innovative operating system, KR+H need to clearly define the scope and speed of exploitation for their business.However, the collaborators do not have internal funds to finance the investment and their access to external capital markets is limited. Therefore KR+H needs a better operating and financial strategy to managing chop-chop growth and its capital. I think the article Se ize profit in a downturn is very helpful. Many companies fail to see the opportunities hidden in economic downturns. In order to take advantage of opportunities, KR+H first need to do a thorough but rapid mind of its own vulnerabilities and then move decisively to minimize them. David and Daniel, 2009) KR+H could approach their problem by using some of those steps introduced in this article such as Monitor and maximize its specie position 1. Evaluating the capital position In the cash flow statement Exhibit 6, the net strike in cash by $15,298 in 1991 and $46,955 in 1992. In order to meet cash compulsion during 1992,KR+H gets a personal loan about $35,000 and the bank overdraft to cover its deficit about $14,000,which shows us that KR+H are short of cash during the past years and it gets worse. The total enhancement of the smart investment will be Category Cost Require in Capital $300,000 $100,000(developing in 2 years) Software $25,000 $30,000 (maintain & update p er year) Marketing $40,000 Based on KR+Hs past financial motion and the cost of investment, KR+H would need additional financing to fund the proposed capital investment for sure. 2. Adding investment is valuable and profitable I think the proposed projects are profitable investments and it will add values. Because the investments will reduce costs and increase the working efficiency in manufacturing process Category Number enlarge production capacity 50% Labor cost saving per year $170,000 Another fact is that on a pro forma basis, KR+Hs cost of goods sold in 1990, the year originally merged is approximately 60% of sales. In 1991,the percentage is increased to 67% and in 1992 the year afterward the merger the percentage rose to almost 75%. It shows us that some unanticipated cost increasing rapidly while the revenue is rising. If KR+H could adopting the new investment it would make its production more than(prenominal) efficiently and the technique may also save some cost o f goods. In addition, the cabinet industry experienced a decline in efficiency in 1992. Firm size Sales per work Compare to 1991 Large $120,000 gain 9% Medium $84,000 decline 11% Small $80,000 off 2% KR+H could gain a long-term rapid growth in sales by first adopting the new technique and the improvements in production efficiencies will give KR+H more advantages in sales. There is no doubt that the investment will increase the operating leverage and also increase risk. In Exhibit 9, with investments KR+H will yearly saving $207,900. Therefore, adding the investment is very profitable. And also rising the price is not a very good option in a long-term perspective. Because it could retard their growth and therefore did not represent a viable path to a long-term profitability. I think KR+H finance the proposed capital by relying on external financing.Because the internal financing could be very difficult for KR+H based on it had a deficit that was covered with a personal loan to c ompany about $35,000 by a partner and a bank overdraft $14,000 in 1992. And internal financing may also slow down the investments because KR+H has to retain its profit. The investors wouldnt want a low return just because the firm wants to invest. Thus, external funding will be a better choice. Ratios In 1992 and 1993, exhibit 4 Year reverse on Sales Return on Equity 1992 2. 1% 21% 1993 8. 3% 98% withal this, KR+H also is profitable in 1992 and assume that it will have 10% growth rate. Meanwhile, with the investments could save KR+H about $209,900 each year.Those profitable data in its financial performance will help KR+H to get a loan from a bank or other outside investors. Conclusion KR+H has its new investments developed and they focus on step-down by continuing to increase the level of automation in the process. And this investment is valuable and profitable. Based on KR+H had performed not very well in their cash flow in the past 3 years. The company also troubled with l imited access to the capital market. Therefore, it is necessary for KR+H to get external financing in order to maintain its revenue and get a rapid growth. References Robert C. Higgins(2012), Analysis for financial management David Rhodes and Daniel Stelter(2009), Seize advantage in a downturn

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Henry Howard Holmes, One of Americas first Serial Killers

I researched who is to be believed as the superstar of the Statess First Serial Killers, Herman Webster Mud constitutet aka Dr. Henry Howard Holmes. He had confessed to 27 take outs, tho besides 9 could in truth be proven. He had several(prenominal) victims during his time and choose what he felt was the perfect place for these murders. Herman was born(p) on May 16th, 1861 in Gilmanton, parvenu Hampshire to Levi Horton Mudgett and Theodate Page Price, both of whom were desc endinged from the first settlers in the area. His father was a very violent alcoholic and his mother was a Methodist who would often read the bible to her son.Holmes had a privileged childhood. It has been said that he appeared to be unusu tout ensembley intelligent at an early age. Still on that point were haunting signs of what was to come. He expressed an interest in medicine, which reportedly led him to practice surgery on animals. Some accounts indicate that he may contain been responsible for the dea th of a friend. As a child Herman was scared of the local doctor and when this got out bullies at his school oblige him to view and emergency a human skeleton. It turns out that this fascinated Herman so much that he actually scared the bullies who forced him into very badly.During much of his spiritedness he was considered a loner and very opaque. Herman would later(prenominal) graduate from the University of stops Medical School in 1884, exclusively while he was enrolled there he began to explore a new area or hobby. He would steal bodies from the lab deflowerd the bodies, and claimed that the people were killed accidentally in order to collect insurance money from policies he took out on each deceased any(prenominal)one he had stolen.After Graduation he began to dabble in more than shady work such(prenominal) as pharmaceuticals, real estate and promotional deals under his created alias H.H. Holmes. On July 4th 1878, Holmes married Clara Lovering in Alton, New Hampshire their son, Robert Lovering Mudgett, was born on February 3rd 1880 in Loudon, New Hampshire (in adult life Robert was to become a Certified Public Accountant, and served as City Manager of Orlando, Florida). On January 28th 1887, while he was tacit married to Clara, Holmes married Myrta Belknap in Minneapolis, Minnesota their daughter, Lucy Theodate Holmes, was born on July 4th 1889 in Englewood, Illinois. (in adult life Lucy was to become a public schoolteacher).Holmes lived with Myrta and Lucy in Wilmette, Illinois, and spent most of his time in boodle concern to business. He filed for divorce from Clara after marrying Myrta, but the divorce was never finalized. He married Georgiana Yoke on January 9th 1894 in Denver, Colorado while still married to Clara and Myrta. He too had a relationship with Julia Smythe, the wife of one of his former employees Julia later became one of Holmess victims. While in moolah, Holmes had started to grow however more shady and criminal.Holmes took a job in a drugstore which he would buy and promise to let the received store owner live even out after her husband died. When her husband died however she simply disappeared and as people began to question where she was Holmes lied and told them she went to California and liked it there so much that she decided she would preserve there. These people would actually turn out to be his first victims in his long murder spree and it is unknown how and when he murdered them. Holmes purchased a lot across from the drugstore and built what would be later known as his Murder move (which is where it is believed that he hid the bodies of Dr.E. S. Holton and his wife).Holmes would open it up as a hotel for the Worlds Columbian Exposition in 1893, with part of the structure used as commercial space. The ground floor of the palace contained Holmess own relocated drugstore and various shops, while the upper 2 floors contained his personal office and a maze of over one hundred windowle ss rooms with doorways opening to brick walls, oddly angled hallways, stairways to nowhere, doors unfastened only from the outside, and a host of other strange and labyrinthine constructions.Holmes repeatedly changed builders during the construction of the Castle, so only he fully understood the design of the house, thus decreasing the chance of being reported to the patrol. Holmes selected mostly feminine victims from among his employees ( many another(prenominal) of which were required as a condition of employment to take out life insurance policies for which Holmes would birth the premiums but also be the beneficiary), as well as his lovers and hotel guests. He tortured and killed them in some of the worst possible ways you could imagine.Some were locked in soundproof bedrooms fitted with gas lines that let him asphyxiate them at any time and some were locked in a huge soundproof bank vault go about his office where they were left to suffocate. He would then take the victims bodies and drop by secret chute to the cellar where some were meticulously dissected, stripped of flesh, crafted into skeleton models, and then sold to medical schools. Holmes also cremated some of the bodies or placed them in lime pits for destruction.Holmes had two giant furnaces as well as pits of acid, bottles of various poisons, and even a stretching rack which he would use to help dispose of the bodies and any evidence. Through the connections he had gained in medical school, he sold skeletons and organs with scant(p) difficulty and therefore was able to get rid of even more evidence. He had some of the best methods for disposing of all of his victims and the evidence that anything had ever even happened which is why it is so difficult to determine just how many victims he actually had and who they were.There were also trapdoors and chutes so that he could move the bodies down to the basement where he could burn his victims form in a kiln there or dispose of them in other ways. All the while, Holmes continued to work insurance scams and it was one of these scams that led to his undoing. He joined forces with Benjamin Pitezel to collect $10,000 from a life insurance company. Holmes would leave Chicago due to the economy and move down to Fort Worth, Texas, to a property that he inherited from two sisters he promised to marry and later murdered.He had planned to build another castle, but would abandon that belief and move about the US as well as Canada and he was believed to have killed several more victims on his travels, but no evidence of this could be found. Holmess murder spree finally ended when he was arrested in Boston on November 17, 1894, after being tracked there from Philadelphia by the Pinkertons(a national scout agency). He was held on an outstanding warrant for horse theft in Texas, as the police had little more than suspicions at this point and Holmes appeared ready to leave the country, with his unsuspecting third wife.After the custo dian for the Castle informed police that he was never allowed to clean the upper floors, police began a thorough probe over the course of the next month, uncovering Holmess efficient methods of committing murders and then disposing of the corpses. While Holmes sat in prison in Philadelphia, not only did the Chicago police investigate his operations in that city, but the Philadelphia police began to try to unravel the Pitezel situation, the fate of the three missing children.Philadelphia detective Frank Geyer was given the task of determination out and his quest for the children, like the search of Holmess Castle, received wide publicity. He would eventually discover their remains essentially sealed Holmess fate, at least in the public mind. Holmes was put on trial for the murder of Pitezel and confessed, following his conviction, to 27 murders in Chicago, Indianapolis and Toronto, and six attempted murders. Holmes was paid $7,500 ($197,340 in todays dollars) by the Hearst Newspap ers in exchange for this confession.He gave various contradictory accounts of his life, claiming initially innocence and later that he was possessed by Satan. His faculty for lying has made it difficult for researchers to ascertain any truth on the basis of his statements. On May 7, 1896, H. H. Holmes went to the hangmans noose. His last meal was boiled eggs, dry toast, and coffee. Even at the noose, he changed his story. He claimed to have killed only two people, and tried to say more but at 1013 the trapdoor opened and he was hanged, it took him fully 15 minutes to strangle to death on the gallows.Afraid of body-snatchers who might benefit on his corpse, Holmes had made a request He wanted no autopsy and he instructed his attorneys to distinguish that he was buried in a coffin filled with cement. This was taken to Holy Cross cemetery south of Philadelphia and two Pinkerton guards stood over the grave during the night onward the body was finally interred in a double grave also filled with cement. No stone was erected to mark it, Larson states, although its presence is put down on a cemetery registry.Holmes attorneys had turned down an offer of $5,000 for his body, and even refused his brain to Philadelphias Wistar Institute, which hoped to have its experts collapse the organ for better understanding of the criminal mind. Larson recounts a series of strange events afterward that gave credence to the rumors that Holmes was satanic, including several weird deaths and a fire at the D. A. s office that destroyed everything there save a photograph of Holmes. During this case, another American phenomenon arose from societys fascination with sensational crime.Thousands of people lined up to see the Chicago murder site, so a former police officer remodeled the infamous building as Holmess wickedness Castle, an attraction that offered guided tours to the suffocation chambers and torture rooms. But before it opened it mysteriously burned-out to the ground. So ma ny people whod rented rooms from Holmes during the fair had actually gone missing that sensational estimates of his victims reached almost 200, and some people perpetuated this unsubstantiated toll even today.Its likely that Holmes own figure from his recanted confession is low, but there is no way to know just how many he actually killed. In the end he was so worried that someone would want to do to him what he had done to so many others that he felt the only way he could rest in peace was to be encase in concrete. He was one of the first ever serial killers and one of the worst. It was horrible what he did and all of the lives lost because of this man. In my opinion his request for a protected grave was one of the things that show you how frantic this man really was and how smart he was all at the same time.In my opinion the start point in H. H. Holmes spiral to murder would be that as a child, schoolmates forced him to view and commove a human skeleton after discovering his fear of the local doctor. The bullies initially brought him there to scare him, but instead he was utterly fascinated, and he soon became obsessed with death. He started by stealing bodies from the morgue, would disfigure them and then claim they were accidentally killed so he could collect on an insurance policy he would take out on each person.Some of his fellow students became scared of him while trying to bullyrag him, he was a bigamist, some felt he was charming, he was manipulative, and many of those around him viewed him as funny and shady. H. H. Holmes seemed to have the perfect idea on how to get rich and how to get away with murder and in fact he did for a long time. He was a very smart man and that is the motive that I believe he was able to go so long without getting caught.On New Years Eve, 1910, Marion Hedgepeth, who had been pardoned for informing on Holmes, was shot and killed by a police officer during a holdup at a Chicago saloon. Then, on March 7, 1914, the Chi cago Tribune reported that, with the death of the former caretaker of the Murder Castle, retch Quinlan, the mysteries of Holmes Castle would remain unexplained. Quinlan had committed suicide by taking strychnine. Quinlans surviving relatives claimed Quinlan had been haunted for several months before his death and could not sleep.